
2025202420232022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007

Concerts 2025


24.01.2025, 08:00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde


"laissez vibrer" 


With a refreshingly diverse range of facets, this first concert of the new year celebrates not only the 85th birthday of the important German composer Nicolaus A. Huber, but also the joy of sound and, in addition to string and woodwind instruments, also includes 18 tubular bells, various flower pots, singing bowls and more Toy piano to sound.


Gerald Eckert
"Nôéma" (1992) for violoncello solo
Nicolaus A. Huber
"laissez vibrer" (2021) for 18 tubular bells
Karlheinz Essl
"Bricolage" (2024) for Toy Piano and live electronics
Nicolaus A. Huber
"Blanco y Verde" (2018) for flute and clarinet
Erik Griswold
"Switch" (1991) for 3 variable percussion instruments (version für 3 flower pots)
Nicolaus A. Huber
"with ego amplitudes" (2016) for violin and piano
Gerald Eckert
"instead of (empty rooms II)" (2019) for bass-fl, cb-clar, (perc), vln, vc and electronics 

Ensemble Reflexion K and guests
Beatrix Wagner, flute

Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Johannes Fischer, percussion
Daria-Karmina Iossifova-Molier, piano
Rui C. Antunes - violin
Gerald Eckert, violoncello

© Xin Long

Concerts 2024


since 05.09.2023 (still audible)

On September 5, 2023, Deutschlandradio Kultur broadcast from 00:05 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the program New Music
with the title Die Flötistin und der Komponist (The Flutist and the Composer), a portrait of Beatrix Wagner, Gerald Eckert and the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde.
The program can still be heard in the Deutschlandradio Kultur media library (link above and in the picture)

14.01.2024, 04:05 - 05:00 a.m.,



die neue Platte XL


On January 14, 2024, Deutschlandfunk will broadcast in the program die neue Platte XL from 4:05 a.m. to 5:00 a.m

"karg" by Natalia Solomonoff, played by the Duo Reflexion K - Beatrix Wagner, flute and Gerald Eckert, cello.



Natalia Solomonoff "karg" (2016)

for flute and violoncello












Natalia Solomomoff - © Gerald Eckert
© Txuca Pereira























16.02.2024, 08.00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde


„Über das Rätselhafte“ ("About the mysterious")


While working on "Air mit Sphinxes", Nicolaus A. Huber had the opportunity to listen to Robert Schumann's piano work "Carnaval" live in concert and was captivated by the mysteriousness of the Sphinx melodies it contains:
The riddle of the environment, the riddle of length as a melodic tone, the riddle of repetition and also the riddle of the sphinxes' own structure, the limbs.
For him, “sphinx-like” means the high, deep, wide and full in his piece, without being wide, deep, high and full.
The enigma in Gerald Eckert's “An den Rändern des Maßes” is presented differently:
Energy states that arise from shattered sound fields and the aesthetic qualities of their remains. The interior is veiled, the sonic reality overshadows the origin and makes the core itself “virtual”. Interspersed harmonic fields show a tendency to volatilize as soon as they are created. Moments of pause are accompanied by an increase in fragility.
With a large cast, the Ensemble Reflexion tries to get to the bottom of the enigma in both works and first presents the audience with excerpts from “Air mit Sphinxes” and “An den Rändern des Maßes” before playing both compositions in full length in the concert situation presents.

Nicolaus A. Huber
"Air mit Sphinxes" (1987) for large ensemble
Gerald Eckert
"An den Rändern des Maßes" (2005/ 11) for two enseble groups

Ensemble Reflexion K and guests
Beatrix Wagner, flute
Enrico Raphaelis, oboe

Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Jakob Meyers - bassoon

Delphine Gauthier-Guiche, horn

Halleyn Ruiz Polo, tummpet

Matthias Jann, trombone

André Wittmann, percussion
Jonathan Shapiro, percussion
Lara Meyer-Struthoff, harp
Daria-Karmina Iossifova-Molier, piano
Rui C. Antunes - violin
Desheng Chen, violin
Christiane Veltman, viola

Uschik Choi, violoncello

Heiko Maschmann, contrabass

Gerald Eckert, direction

© Ines Herzmann

22.02.2024, 12:05 - 01:00 a.m.

Deutschlandradio Kultur



On 22. February 2024, Deutschlandradio Kultur will broadcast from 12:05 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the series Neue Musik

excerpts from the two concerts of the Duo Reflexion K - Beatrix Wagner, flute and Gerald Eckert, violoncello - at the Klangwerkstatt Festival in Berlin on 18. and 19. November 2023



Stefan Streich "Gran Duo" (2021 - 2023) (excerpts)

for flute and violoncello













© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin

09.03.2024, 10.05 - 10.50 p.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
The broadcast Atelier neuer Musik


The Deutschlandfunk broadcast can still be listened for 30 days: 
Atelier neuer Musik

Randzonen, Erstarrungen, Brüche - Gerald Eckerts neuere Ensemblemusiken


"späte Gegend" for orchestra
"Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
"Kisalpah" for ensemble and electronics
"ferne Tiefe" for contrabassflute, orchestra, live-electronics and tape
"Nacht, die fallende" for violoncello, orchestra and live-electronics















15.03.2024, 08:00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde




25.04.2024, 08:00 p.m.
Vonderau Museum, Fulda


„Über dunkle Energien und leere Räume“ ("About dark energies and empty rooms")


Dark energies are the starting point for the work cycle “energeia aphanés” by Michael Quell. In astrophysics, this mysterious phenomenon serves as a hypothetical attempt to explain the observed increasing speed of expansion of the universe, which otherwise stands in clear contradiction to the gravitational effects caused by matter. Its existence has not yet been proven, so it itself cannot be observed, but, like dark matter, it essentially determines the space-time structure of the universe.
In the works of the same name, this idea becomes a symbol of a musically aesthetic world whose actual control principles remain consistently hidden, but whose results determine the world of experience. Space, time and the idea of ​​time dissolution play a central role.


Michael Quell
"energeia aphanés II" (2018) for contrabassclarinet and accordion
Gerald Eckert
"außen, von tief innen" (2015) for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello
Farzia Fallah
"Posht-e Hichestan" (2015) for flute solo
Michael Quell
"energeia aphanés III - physis" (2019)
for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello and accordion
Gerald Eckert
"instead of (empty rooms II)" (2019)
for flute, clarinet, violin, violoncello, (percussion) and electronics

Ensemble Reflexion K and guests

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Neza Torkar, accordion
Sungkum-Jennie Yang - violin
Uschik Choi - violoncello
Gerald Eckert - violoncello/ direction


27.04.2024, 07:00 p.m.
Schöppingen, Artist village, gallery




07.06.2024, 07:30 p.m.
Lauenburg, Artists Residence




Works by the current composition scholarship holders Zara Ali and Gerald Eckert from the Künstlerdorf Schöppingen and the Künstlerhaus Lauenburg with connections to their teachers and other composers who are close to their thinking and composing or who also form a great contrast to it.


Zara Ali
"Red City" (2020) for electronics/ tape
Farzia Fallah
"Posht-e Hichestan" (2015) for flute solo
Gerald Eckert
"Schemen - Feld 30" (2017) for contrabassclarinet, electronics and tape
Mark Barden
"personæ" (2009) for bassflute and bassclarinet
Gerald Eckert
"außen, von tief innen" (2015) for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello
Nicolaus A. Huber
"Blanco y Verde" (2018) for flute and clarinet 

Ensemble Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute(s)
Joachim Striepens, clarinet(s)
Gerald Eckert, violoncello and electronics
© Ensemble Reflexion K





Tues. 30.07.202408:00 p.m.

St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde



„Über das Rätselhafte II“ ("About the enigmatic II")



The world is beautiful and cruel, simple and mysterious at the same time. “Über das Rätselhafte II” tries to make this audible: the delicate lines of a single flower as well as the dawn transformed into a rush of sound.  Superposition of waves, in water as well as in sound, their pulsation and their entanglements. 

And again and again man, striving for knowledge and enlightenment and yet so destructive in his actions.





Anna Korsun 

„Pulsar“ (2014) for organ and voice


Gerald Eckert

„Verschränkung – ins Offene“ (2023/ 24) for contrabassflute and electronics (german premiere)


Makiko Nishikaze 

„a solitary flower comes out“ (1997) for altflute and violoncello


Gerald Eckert

“Interferenz I” (2004) version for flute, organ, violoncello and electronics


Pablo Araya 

„37“ (2023) for bassflute and violoncello 


Gerald Eckert

„Aube“ (2006) for organ





Katja Kanowski, organ

Beatrix Wagner, flute

Gerald Eckert - violoncello



Concert introduction to the “Nach dem Markt” series on Saturday, July 27th. 2024 at 12:30 p.m in the Schleswig-Holstein Artists’ Residence “Otte 1”








27.09.2024, 08:00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde

„Über zeitlose Augenblicke“ (About timeless moments)

Timeless moments - we can experience them in moments of greatest concentration or total relaxation, of incredible happiness or deep sadness, while experiencing great art or nature, with others or in absolute solitude.
The works selected for this program by Lisa Streich, Pablo Araya, Gerald Eckert, Pablo Olabarria, Stefan Streich and Iannis Xenakis oscillate between the greatest density in the smallest space and breathless delicacy and fragility, between liveliness and rigidity, between artistry and naturalness. 


Lisa Streich
"Asche" for clarinet and violoncello

Stefan Streich
"ritorno" for flute and viola

Gerald Eckert
"Nachtwindbewegtes" for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and viola
Pablo Araya
"Entre Palmira y Tikal hay una bóveda de mosaicos […]" for bassflute, violin and violoncello

Gerald Eckert
"Klangräume II" for piccolo and tape

Pablo Andoni Olabarría
"Naturlaut" for Violin and electronics

Iannis Xenakis
"Charisma" for clarinet and violoncello

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner, flute

Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Rui C. Antunes - violin
Christiane Veltman, viola

Gerald Eckert, violoncello, electronics






© Ines Herzmann

02.11.2024, 06:00 p.m.
St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde

Night of literature



In the spaces between tracing sounds and words, this event leads from the spatial-poetic side of contemporary music (Luigi Nono, Gerald Eckert) to the linguistic power of the poems by Hilde Domin, Paul Celan and Else Lasker-Schüler.


Gerald Eckert
In Sich Ohne Ausweg (1994)
for 2-(4)-channel-tape

Gerald Eckert
Noema (1992)
for violoncello

Gerald Eckert
Schemen - Feld 30 (2017)
for contrabassclarinet and electronics

Luigi Nono
A Pierre. Dell azzurro silenzio, inquietum (1985)
for contrabassflute, contrabassclarinet and live-electronics

Gerald Eckert
Aux mains de l’espace (1993)
for 4-channel-tape

Gerald Eckert
außen, von tief innen (2015)
for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello

Dirk Homrighausen - Rezitation

Ensemble Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner, flute

Joachim Striepens, clarinet

Gerald Eckert, violoncello, electronics



Luigi Nono - © Niederländisches Nationalarchiv





08.11.2024 08:00 p.m.

St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde

„Sopra di noi“
The Solistenensemble Reflexion K presents sound universes with a large ensemble: microtonal movements and swirls on the iridescent sound surface in Liisa Hirsch's Autarkes (2020), sounds of great depth and power in Elnaz Seyedi's Questo che a notte balugina (2023) and an exuberant wealth of timbres with constantly changing sound states in Gerald Eckert's Sopra di noi… (niente) (2014). In addition, Trichter, Klee und Amsel (Funnel, Clover and Blackbird), a new work by Stefan Streich takes up Eckert's specific and large orchestration and leads it into completely different sound spaces.

Elnaz Seyedi "Questo che a notte balugina" (2023)

for large ensemble (fl, 2 clar, 2 perc, Hrp, acc, pf, vln, vla, vc, cb)


Liisa Hirsch "Autarkes" (2020)

for large ensemble (2 clar, bsn, perc, pf, vla, 2 vc, cb)


Stefan Streich "Trichter, Klee und Amsel" (2024)   UA

for orchestra (1 bassfl/ flute, 2 clar (1: clar/ cb-clar; 2: clar/ bass-clar), 1 contrabassoon, 1 hrn, 1 trp, 2 trb (1: bass-trb; 2: bass-trb or cb-trb), acc, pf, 2 perc, 1 vln, 2 vla, 5 vc, 1 cb)


Gerald Eckert "Sopra di noi... (niente)" (2014)

for orchestra (1 bassfl/ flute, 2 clar (1: clar/ cb-clar; 2: cb-clar), 1 contrabassoon, 1 hrn, 1 trp, 2 trb (1: bass-trb; 2: bass-trb or cb-trb), acc, pf, 2 perc, 1 vln, 2 vla, 5 vc, 1 cb)

Ensemble Reflexion K und Gäste

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet & double bass clarinet
Matthias Badczong, clarinet & double bass clarinet
Ari Schuirmann, bassoon & contrabassoon
Delphine Gauthier-Guiche, horn
Norbert Fabritius, trumpet
Matthias Jann, trombone
Karsten Süßmilch, trombone
Andre Wittmann, percussion
Arian Robinson, percussion
Lara Meyer-Struthoff, harp
Christine Paté, accordion
Daria-Karmina Iossifova-Molier, piano
Rui C. Antunes, violin
Christiane Veltman, viola
Nikolaus Schlierf, viola
Christine Meißner, violoncello
Anne Gayed, violoncello
Ulrike Brand, violoncello
Clara Franz, violoncello
Katrin Maschmann, violoncello
Heiko Maschmann, double bass


Gerald Eckert, direction


© Reinhard Frank

10.11.2024 08:00 p.m.

Berlin, Kunstquartier Bethanien

„Sopra di noi“
The Solistenensemble Reflexion K presents sound universes with a large ensemble: microtonal movements and swirls on the iridescent sound surface in Liisa Hirsch's Autarkes (2020), sounds of great depth and power in Elnaz Seyedi's Questo che a notte balugina (2023) and an exuberant wealth of timbres with constantly changing sound states in Gerald Eckert's Sopra di noi… (niente) (2014). In addition, Trichter, Klee und Amsel (Funnel, Clover and Blackbird), a new work by Stefan Streich takes up Eckert's specific and large orchestration and leads it into completely different sound spaces.

Elnaz Seyedi "Questo che a notte balugina" (2023)

for large ensemble (fl, 2 clar, 2 perc, Hrp, acc, pf, vln, vla, vc, cb)


Liisa Hirsch "Autarkes" (2020)

for large ensemble (2 clar, bsn, perc, pf, vla, 2 vc, cb)


Stefan Streich "Trichter, Klee und Amsel" (2024)   UA

for orchestra (1 bassfl/ flute, 2 clar (1: clar/ cb-clar; 2: clar/ bass-clar), 1 contrabassoon, 1 hrn, 1 trp, 2 trb (1: bass-trb; 2: bass-trb or cb-trb), acc, pf, 2 perc, 1 vln, 2 vla, 5 vc, 1 cb)


Gerald Eckert "Sopra di noi... (niente)" (2014)

for orchestra (1 bassfl/ flute, 2 clar (1: clar/ cb-clar; 2: cb-clar), 1 contrabassoon, 1 hrn, 1 trp, 2 trb (1: bass-trb; 2: bass-trb or cb-trb), acc, pf, 2 perc, 1 vln, 2 vla, 5 vc, 1 cb)

Ensemble Reflexion K and guests

15.11.2024, 08:00 p.m.,

Berlin, Kunstquartier Bethanien
„NONO 100: Fragmente – Stille“

Luigi Nono "Fragmente – Stille, An Diotima" (1979/ 80)

for string quartett


Florian Neuner  Reading


Luigi Nono "A Pierre. Dell’azzurro silenzio, inquietum" (1985)

for contrabassflute, contrabassclarinet and live-electronics

Sonar Quartett
Ensemble Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, contrabassflute
Joachim Striepens, contrabassclarinet

Gerald Eckert, live-electronics


© Klangwerkstatt Berlin

23.11.2024, 06:00 p.m.,

Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr.1
Night of Music
„On the in-between“
Starting with the music of this year's otte 1 composition scholarship holder Hed Bahack, the Ensemble Reflexion K spins a web of connecting lines to works by Mark Barden, Alessio Rosato, Pablo Araya and others.


Mark Baden "personæ" (2009)
for bassflute and bassclarinet

Gerald Eckert "Verschränkung - ins Offene" (2023/ 24)
for contrabassflute, electronics and tape


Hed Bahack "Studies in walking away from…" (2021/ 2024)  fp
version for bassclarinet


Alessio Rossato "si páame" (2024)
for contrabassflute and electronics

Gerald Eckert "Nen VII" (2007)
for flute, violoncello and tape


Clemens von Reusner "Anamorphosis" (2018)
for 8-channel-tape

Pablo Araya "37" (2023)
for bassflute and violoncello

Ensemble Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet

Gerald Eckert, violoncello/ electronics



14.12.2024, 07:00 p.m.,


(Börnestrasse 45, 13086 Berlin-Weißensee)
Gran Duo - Concert and Record Release
In this concert and presentation of the CD that will soon be released on Kreuzberg Records, the Duo Reflexion K plays excerpts from the studio production of:

Stefan Streich: "Gran Duo" 
for bassflute/ flute and violoncello (2021- 2023)

Duo Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner - bassflute/ flute
Gerald Eckert - violoncello 
© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin

Concerts 2023


20.01.2023, 8:00 p.m

St. Nicolai Church Eckernfoerde

„Gestade in Fernen“

Music for the day of the liberation of Auschwitz on January 27th

In its program “Gestade in Fernen”, the ensemble reflection K deals with human suffering in its most diverse manifestations and forms.
The musicians present works by Brigitta Muntendorf, Gerald Eckert, Johannes Kalitzke and Dieter Schnebel, which were created between 1988 and 2016, in different spatial configurations in the Eckernfoerder St. Nicolai church and the Zionschurch Bielefeld-Bethel. They all deal with the theme of war, death and pain, but also with the human misconduct that triggered this. The underlying text fragments come from such high-ranking authors as Heinrich Böll, Paul Celan, Raoul Schrott and from the Stabat Mater Dolorosa (13th century).
In contrast, the ensemble presents various short antiphons by the abbess Hildegard von Bingen from the years 1150 to 1160, sung by the soprano Irene Kurka, who, with her life-affirming character singing about the "miracle of creation", present themselves as a strong contrast, but also as a connection to the works from the 20th and 21st centuries.

as a guest: Irene Kurka, soprano

Ensemble reflection K

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Burkart Zeller, violoncello
Gerald Eckert, violoncello and electronics
Tickets can be pre-ordered at


© Olesia Saienko

22.01.2023, 5:00 p.m

Zions church Bielefeld-Bethel

„Gestade in Fernen“

Music for the day of the liberation of Auschwitz on January 27th

In its program “Gestade in Fernen”, the ensemble reflection K deals with human suffering in its most diverse manifestations and forms.
The musicians present works by Brigitta Muntendorf, Gerald Eckert, Johannes Kalitzke and Dieter Schnebel, which were created between 1988 and 2016, in different spatial configurations in the Eckernfoerder St. Nicolai church and the Zionschurch Bielefeld-Bethel. They all deal with the theme of war, death and pain, but also with the human misconduct that triggered this. The underlying text fragments come from such high-ranking authors as Heinrich Böll, Paul Celan, Raoul Schrott and from the Stabat Mater Dolorosa (13th century).
In contrast, the ensemble presents various short antiphons by the abbess Hildegard von Bingen from the years 1150 to 1160, sung by the soprano Irene Kurka, who, with her life-affirming character singing about the "miracle of creation", present themselves as a strong contrast, but also as a connection to the works from the 20th and 21st centuries.

as a guest: Irene Kurka, soprano

Ensemble reflection K

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Burkart Zeller, violoncello
Gerald Eckert, violoncello and electronics
Burkart Zeller - Gerald Eckert

24.02. - 26.02.2023

St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde
9. international Provinzlärm Festival 2023
Schwerpunkt: Ukraine 
for details see: 9. Provinzlärm Festival
© Michael Jordan / Provinzlärm

Friday, 24.03.2023, 7:30 p.m
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde


A "short ride through the avant-gardes of music history" from Machaut via Monteverdi, Beethoven, Liszt, Dvorak, Satie and Webern to a world premiere by Gerald Eckert.

The title of the program alludes to Robert Schumann's article "Neue Bahnen" in the "Neue Musikzeitung", which praised the young Johannes Brahms as the composer of the future. And so this program not only deals with the music of the present time, but also presents avant-gardists from 700 years of music history, beginning with a motet by the French Guillaume de Machaut, of whom not only the oldest mass setting has survived, but also the fundamental ones established rules of counterpoint and melody that still apply today.
It will also be heard how Carlo Gesualdo, Franz Liszt or Ludwig van Beethoven broke the harmonic habits of their time, how Claudio Monteverdi, Carl Philip Emanuel Bach or John Cage invented new forms of composition, or how Antonin Dvorak, Eric Satie or Anton Webern made traditional forms create something new.




norddeutsche sinfonietta
Ensemble reflection K


More concerts with "n.e.u.e_b.a.h.n.e.n"


Saturday, March 25th 2023, 6:00 p.m
St. Mary's church in Husum


Sunday, March 26th 2023, 5:00 p.m
St. Mary's church in Rendsburg











© nds

Friday, 21.07.2023, 7:00 p.m.
Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr.1
"Summer concert"


The Argentinian composer Ceferino García received a short-term grant from the Künstlerhaus Eckernförde for July 2023 and will be there during this period. For this reason we present him in this year's summer concert. In addition to Beatrix Wagner and Gerald Eckert, the lutenist Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen, who is a friend of Ceferino García, will make a decisive contribution to the concert and perform a work for lute and electronics by García and a suite in C major by the baroque composer Silvius Leopold Weiss.



Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen           baroque lute
Ceferino García                                    electronics 

Duo Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner                                    flute 
Gerald Eckert                                       violoncello 






Gerald Eckert                                         „Nôéma“ for violoncello solo


Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen            „Passacaglia“ (historical oriented improvisation)


Ceferino García                                     „Escucha el viento“ for flute and violoncello


Silvius Leopold Weiss                           „Suite in C" for baroque lute solo


Ceferino García                                     „Passacaglia“ for lute and electronics

                                                                 Produced with the support of the NATIONAL FUND FOR THE ARTS


Gerald Eckert                                         „Nen VII“ for flute, violoncello and electronics

Alejandro Galiano Zurbriggen - © Imke Gründler
Ceferino García
Beatrix Wagner / Gerald Eckert - © Holger Ceglars




 20.08.2022, 9:05 - 11:00 p.m.,


On August 20th, 2023 the Deutschlandfunk broadcasts from 09.05 - 11.00 p.m. at the programme
Konzertdokument der Woche
live recordings of the concerts of the 9. international Provinzlärm Festival 2023

Compositions from Karmella Tsepkolenko, 

Julia Gomelskaya, 

Volodoymyr Runchak, 

Maxim Kolomiiets, a.o.


Ensemble senza sforzando
direction: Oleksandr Perepelytsia

Ensemble Reflexion K
direction: Gerald Eckert



© Ines Herzmann






03.09.2023, 02.05 - 03.00 a.m.,

Deutschlandfunk is broadcasting recordings from concerts at the 8th International Provinzlärm Festival 2022

Works by Liisa Hirsch (“Canvas”) and Arvo Pärt (“Cantus in memory of Benjamin Britten”)
norddeutsche sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K
Leitung: Gerald Eckert
© Michael Jordan

05.09.2023, 00:05 - 01:00 a.m.,

Deutschlandradio Kultur



On September 5, 2023, Deutschlandradio Kultur will broadcast from 00:05 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the program New Music

with the title Die Flötistin und der Komponist (The Flutist and the Composer), a portrait of Beatrix Wagner, Gerald Eckert and the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde



23.09.2023, 08:00 p.m.,

St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde 
„Moorlandschaft mit Regenbogen“
A concert with the composition scholar of the Artist Residence Elnaz Seyedi

Macarena Rosmanich le Roy "Un Grito" (2019)

for flute. clarinet, piano, violin and violincello


Elnaz Seyedi "Postkarte (Moorlandschaft mit Regenbogen)" (2016)

for alto flute, clarinet, cello and piano


Sami Klemola "D i v e r g e n c e" (2003-2004)

for clarinet, percussion, piano, violin and violincello


Pabo Araya "Entre Palmira y Tikal hay una bóveda de mosaicos […]" (2020)

for bass flute, violin and cello


Gerald Eckert "gefaltetes Moment" (1997/ 98)

for flute, clarinet, percussion, violin and violincello


Pierre Boulez "Derive" (1984)

for flute, clarinet, vibraphone, piano, violin and violincello

Ensemble Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet

Holger Roese, percussion

Martin von der Heydt, Klavier

Rui C. Antunes, violin
Uschik Choi, violoncello

Gerald Eckert, violoncello/ direction

© Roya Noorinezhad

October 2023
Concert tour Argentina


Duo Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Gerald Eckert, violoncello


06.10.2023, 04:00 p.m.,

Rosario/ Arg., University
Workshop and presentation CD Natalia Solomonoff

Natalia Solomonoff "karg" (2016)

for flute and violoncello











© Holger Ceglars


Salta/ Arg.
12:00 a.m., Esquela Superior de Musica
Workshop / lecture
06:30 p.m., Palazzo Zorilla

Jorge Diego Vasquez "Prosopis Alba" (2019)   wp

for flute and violoncello


Gerald Eckert "fuori" (2016)

for flute and violoncello


Ceferino García "¡Escucha el Viento!" (2019)

for flute and violoncello


Stefan Streich "Gran Duo" (2021/ 23) 1. movement  wp

for bassflute and violoncello


Juan Campoverde Q. "Cantos II" (2020)

for flute and violoncello


Natalia Solomonoff "karg" (2016)

for flute and violoncello


Pablo Araya "37" (2023)   wp

for flute and violoncello






Salta/ Arg.
09:00 p.m., Fundación Salta

Gerald Eckert "Aux mains de l'espace" (1993)

for 4-channel-tape


Christopher Cree Brown "Sound Cylinder" (1996/ 97)

for flute and electronics/ tape


Clemens von Reusner "Ideale Landschaſt Nr. 6" (2020)

for tape


Gerald Eckert "Nôéma" (1992/ 93)

for violoncello


Gerald Eckert "Nen VII" (2007)

for flute, violoncello and tape








Córdoba/ Arg.
07:00 p.m., Centro Cultural de la UNC

Gerald Eckert "Nôéma" (1992/ 93)

for violoncello


Gerald Eckert "Nen VII" (2007)

for flute, violoncello and tape


Christopher Cree Brown "Sound Cylinder" (1996/ 97)

for flute and electronics/ tape


Clemens von Reusner "Anamorphosis" (2018)

for tape


Gerald Eckert "Interferenz III" (2013)

for tape


Ceferino García "Ausenciapresente" (2019)

for electronics/ tape


Basilio Del Boca "toErard" (2022)

for electronics/ tape


César Alarcón "Móvil Home/Recover" (2023)

for electronics / live-performance




© Txuca Pereira


Córdoba/ Arg.
10:00 a.m., Pabellón México (Facultad de Artes - UNC)
Workshop / lecture
08:00 p.m., Aula Magna del Colegio Monserrat (UNC) 

Jorge Diego Vasquez "Prosopis Alba" (2019)   wp

for flute and violoncello


Gerald Eckert "fuori" (2016)

for flute and violoncello


Ceferino García "¡Escucha el Viento!" (2019)

for flute and violoncello


Stefan Streich "Gran Duo" (2021/ 23) 1. movement  wp

for bassflute and violoncello


Juan Campoverde Q. "Cantos II" (2020)

for flute and violoncello


Natalia Solomonoff "karg" (2016)

for flute and violoncello


Pablo Araya "37" (2023)   wp

for flute and violoncello





04.11.2023, 06.00 p.m.,

Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr.1

Night of dance and theatre



Dance and music with Lisa McGuire (dance), Beatrix Wagner (flute) and Gerald Eckert (cello)

A concert in a special constellation. A counterpart between dance and instrumental expression. Lisa McGuire, the Austrian dancer who already performed at this year's Provinzlärm Festival in Eckernförde, forms the dance counterpoint to the sound spheres.
© Ines Herzmann

Gerald Eckert "Nen VII" (2007)

for flute, violoncello and tape


Jorge Diego Vasquez "Prosopis Alba" (2019)   gp

for flute and violoncello


Gerald Eckert "Nen X" (2011)

for dance, violoncello and electronics/ tape


Pablo Araya "37" (2023)   gp

for flute and violoncello





Lisa McGuire, dance 

Duo Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, flute

Gerald Eckert, violoncello


© Ines Herzmann

18.11.2023, 08.30 p.m.,

Klangwerkstatt Berlin, Festival für Neue Musik

Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1

"Gran Duo"



Focus Duo is a four-part festival series that exclusively presents purely instrumental duo compositions.


In the Duo Reflexion K, the Ensemble Reflexion K, one of the outstanding ensembles in contemporary music, concentrates on its core and starting point. It is the two founders of the ensemble - the flautist Beatrix Wagner and the composer and cellist Gerald Eckert - who come together in this duo and develop programs of a very special kind.


In their first concert at this year's festival, the focus is on a single composer and a single work: the premiere of Stefan Streich's Gran Duo. It is the broad arcs, the proliferation of processes and states, of individual sounds and mixtures, of figures and surfaces, of static durations and dramatic developments that interest the composer. The music is a permanent in-between, a constant both-and: it jumps and glides between narrative figures and abstract textures, between clusters and tonalities, tone and noise. The instruments are often narrow and parallel, like a two-part solo instrument, and sometimes wide, like a mini orchestra. Opposites here are not contradictions, but rather two sides of the same coin.


Gran Duo is more of a colloid than a sound chemical solution. It is difficult to say whether the sounds are only distributed very finely or dissolve completely, whether the progressions are stringent or chaotic. The result, ideally, is a third one either way.


Gran Duo lasts approximately 70 minutes and consists of nine parts between three and 18 minutes.



Stefan Streich
Gran Duo (2021 – 2023) WP
for bassflute/flute and violoncello
I – II – III – IV

Duo Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner – flute 
Gerald Eckert – violoncello




© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin

19.11.2023, 05.30 p.m.,

Klangwerkstatt Berlin, Festival für Neue Musik

Kunstquartier Bethanien, Studio 1



Focus Duo is a four-part festival series that exclusively presents purely instrumental duo compositions.


In the second concert by the Duo Reflexion K at the Klangwerkstatt Berlin 2023, two pieces confront each other. The polar approach focuses on the idea of ​​concentration. It is an evening of fragile sounds. Complex overtone mixtures and what is just audible explore the acoustic and architectural space. Perception oscillates between not-yet, presence and no-longer.
Composizione per flauto e violoncello (2017) is the name of the central 45-minute piece written by the Italian composer Emiliano Turazzi for the duo. The intentional fragility of the sounds, the uncertainty, creates enormous tension when listening, especially in the contrasts of dynamics and the alternation between static and impulsive sections. The music seems to arise “unpredictably” from the moment. Similar to Gerald Eckert's Duo Nachtbogen (2001): He works with sound states that, at the moment of their creation, already show a tendency to disappear - evanescent spaces between worlds.



Gerald Eckert
Nachtbogen (2001)
for flute and violoncello

Emiliano Turazzi
Composizione per flauto e violoncello (2017)
for flute and violoncello
Duo Reflexion K
Beatrix Wagner – flute 
Gerald Eckert – violoncello






© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin

22.11.2023, 00:12 - 02:00 a.m.,

Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra by Gerald Eckert
Ensemble Reflexion K and guests
direction: Gerald Eckert

25.11.2023, 06.00 p.m.,

Artists Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr.1

Night of Music

"Alpha waves"

Music with Beatrix Wagner (flute) and Gerald Eckert (cello). Music for alert ears to be touched by the muse in a relaxed manner...

Gerald Eckert "Nachtbogen" (2001)

for flute and violoncello


Stefan Streich "Gran Duo" (2021 - 2023)

for flute and violoncello




Duo Reflexion K

Beatrix Wagner, Flöte

Gerald Eckert, Violoncello








© Olesia Saienko

Concerts 2022


16.01.2022, 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. 
Zions church Bethel


Reflexion K performs works by Gerald Eckert, Luigi Nono, Natalia Solomonoff, Stefan Streich and Iannis Xenakis.

Beatrix Wagner, flutes
Joachim Striepens, clarinets
Gerald Eckert, violoncello and electronics

18.02. - 20.02.2022

8. international Provinzlärm-Festival
St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

Reflexion K is together with the Audtivvokal Dresden, the norddeutschen sinfonietta and the Ensemble U: from Estonia Ensemble in Residence at the Provinzlärm-Festival 2022 in Eckernfoerde

More information at:

© Holger Ceglars

05.06.2022 (Sun.), 3:00 p.m.

Gallery Artists Residence Lauenburg
First presentation of the scholarship holders 2022

and portrait concert of the composition scholarship holder Jana de Troyer


Jana de Troyer, saxophone and electronics


Ensemble Reflexion K


Beatrix Wagner, flute

Delphine Gauthier-Guiche, horn

Gerald Eckert, violoncello






11.06.2022, 8:00 p.m.,

St. Nicolai-church Eckernfoerde

20 years concert series contemporary Music Eckernförde

Gregorian chants in tension with contemporary music for flute, violoncello, organ and electronics with works by Christopher Cree Brown, Gerald Eckert, Jaako Mäntyjärvi, Olivier Messiaen and Stefan Streich. 


"Ad te levavi animam meam" (Introitus)
"Puer natus est nobis" (Introitus)
"Ubi caritas et amor" (responsorial chant)
Jaako Mäntyjärvi "Ave Maria del Fiore" (2006)
for voices
Olivier Messiaen "Apparition de l'église éternelle" (1932)
for organ
Gerald Eckert "Aube" (2006)
Stefan Streich "5 Strophen Bassflöte" (2001 - 2004)
for bassflute solo
Gerald Eckert "Nôema" (1992/ 93)
for violoncello
Flexible Girl Voices   
Katja Kanowski, direction
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Katja Kanowski, organ

Gerald Eckert, violoncello





Flexible Girl Voices

12.06.2022, 9:05 - 11:00 p.m.,


On June 12th, 2022 the Deutschlandfunk broadcasts from 09.05 - 11.00 p.m. at the programme
Konzertdokument der Woche
live recordings of the concerts of the 8. international Provinzlärm festival 2021/ 2022.

Compositions from Arvo Pärt, Tatjana Kozlova-Johannes, Liisa Hirsch, Gerald Eckert, Tristan Murail, a.o.







10.09.2022, 01.00 p.m.,

Kunststation St. Peter Cologne


- lunch concert -


Natalia Solomonoff "karg" (2016)
for flute and violoncello
Stefan Streich  "5 Strophen Bassflöte" (2001 - 2004)
for bassflute solo
Gerald Eckert  "Nachtbogen" (2001)
foflute and violoncello
Duo Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Gerald Eckert, violoncello







St. Peter Cologne

16.09.2022, 6.00 p.m.,

Kiel, University, Bachsaal


- concert and presentation database composers Schleswig-Holstein -


Gerald Eckert, "Nen VII" for flute, violoncello and tape (2007)
Beatrix Wagner, flute
Gerald Eckert, violoncello
as well as compositions from Hans Alwin Beeck, Friedhelm Döhl,
Sascha Lino Lemke, Dieter Mack, Arnold Maury and Jens Rohwer

17.09.2022, 07.00 p.m.,

Artist Residence Eckernfoerde, Ottestr. 1


Concert with the composition scholar of the Artist Residence Stefan Streich



Juan Campoverde Q. "Estelas Australes" (2021)
for flute and violoncello
Stefan Streich "new piece" (2022)  fp of the 2. part
for bassflute/ flute and violoncello
James Dillon "Siorram" (1992)
for viola solo
Emiliano Turazzi "Composizione per flauto e violoncello" Teil F (2017)
for flute and violoncello
Stefan Streich "Ritorno" (2006/ 2007)
for bassflute and viola
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Christiane Veltman, viola

Gerald Eckert, violoncello











03.10.2022, 6.00 p.m.,

St. Nicolai-Kirche Eckernförde

Solo - Duo

In "Solo Duo", the musicians of Ensemble Reflexion K present themselves exclusively with solo and duo works distributed throughout the room in the acoustically outstanding Nicolai Church of Eckernfoerde


René Eespere „Convectoris“
for organ
Gerald Eckert „Schwebe, verlöschend“
for flute and percussion
Tomi Räisänen „crossings“ 
for contrabass and electronics
Elliott Carter „esprit rude / esprit douce“
for flute and clarinet
Violetta Dinescu „7 Roses“ (Nr. 5)
version for violoncello solo
Iannis Xenakis „Rebonds b“
for percussion
Georg Katzer „Dialogue imaginaire“
for bassclarinet and tape
Gerald Eckert „Nôéma“
for violoncello solo
Kaija Saariaho „Ciel étoilé“
for contrabass and percussion
Erik-Sven Tüür „Spectrum 1“
for organ
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, clarinet

Katja Kanowski, organ

André Wittmann, percussion

Gerald Eckert, violoncello, electronics

Heiko Maschmann, contrabass





© Holger Ceglars/ Ensemble Reflexion K

10.11.2022, 8.00 p.m.,

St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

esquisses itinéraires



Ramón Souto „Exéresis“ (2011)
for ensemble (fl, ob, pf, vln, vla, vc)
Hans-Joachim Hespos „esquisses itinéraires“ (1984)
for ensemble (fl, clar, hrn, pf, vln, vc )
Hans-Joachim Hespos „Duma“ (1980)
for altoflute solo
Gerald Eckert „ruins of time“ (2012/ 13)
for ensemble (fl, clar, hrn, pf, vln, vla, vc)
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Enrico Raphaelis, oboe
Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Delphine Gauthier-Guiche, horn
Martin von der Heydt, piano
Rui C. Antunes, violin
Christiane Veltman, viola
Burkart Zeller, violoncello

Gerald Eckert, direction





© Tobias Daniel Reiser

11.11.2022, 8.00 p.m.,

Delmenhorst, Theatre
11.11. neue musik in delmenhorst

hespos - Neue Musik (53)



Ramón Souto „Exéresis“ (2011)
for ensemble (fl, ob, pf, vln, vla, vc)
Hans-Joachim Hespos „esquisses itinéraires“ (1984)
for ensemble (fl, clar, hrn, pf, vln, vc )
-----   Bremer Punkt   -----
Hans-Joachim Hespos „Duma“ (1980)
for altoflute solo
Gerald Eckert „ruins of time“ (2012/ 13)
for ensemble (fl, clar, hrn, pf, vln, vla, vc)
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Enrico Raphaelis, oboe
Joachim Striepens, clarinet
Delphine Gauthier-Guiche, horn
Martin von der Heydt, piano
Rui C. Antunes, violin
Christiane Veltman, viola
Burkart Zeller, violoncello

Gerald Eckert, direction






© Ingo Möllers/ Delmenhorster Kurier

19.11.2022, 8.00 p.m.,

St. Nicolai church Eckernfoerde

night of the music


Gerald Eckert „Nen VII“ (2007)
for flute, violoncello and tape
Gerald Eckert „Schemen - Feld 30“ (2017)
for contrabassclarinet, electronics and tape
Gerald Eckert „Aux mains de l'espace“ (1993)
for 4-channel-tape
Gerald Eckert „außen, von tief innen“ (2015)
for bassflute, contrabassclarinet and violoncello
Gerald Eckert „about water III“ (2018)
for 2-(4)-channel-tape
Gerald Eckert „Nachtbogen“ (2001)
for flute and violoncello
Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner, flute
Joachim Striepens, contrabassclarinet
Gerald Eckert, violoncello/ electronics


Concerts 2021


25.02.2021, 00:05 - 01:00 a.m.,

Deutschlandradio Kultur



On February 25, 2021, Deutschlandradio Kultur will broadcast from 12:05 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. in the series Neue Musik excerpts from the online festival Klangwerkstatt Berlin 2020. Among other compositions, two pieces with the Ensemble Reflexion K can be heard. 



Stefan Streich 

5 Strophen Bassflöte“ for bassflute solo with voice 

Beatrix Wagner – flute and voice 



Seong-Jin Hong 
„Wäre heute kein Dienstag, könnte ich mit der Schildkröte tanzen gehen“   (wp)

for flute, clarinet, violoncello and piano

Ensemble Reflexion K





© André Fischer/Klangwerkstatt Berlin

26.02.2021, 07.00 p.m.
online-concert at the festival "Klangwerkstatt Berlin" from last November


Ensemble Reflexion K: Lines, Junctions, Relations – 30 Jahre Klangwerkstatt Berlin

compositions from Luigi Nono, Nicolaus A. Huber, Helmut Lachenmann, Stefan Streich, Gerald Eckert and Seung-Jin Hong

17.03.2021, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra by Gerald Eckert
Ensemble Reflexion K and guests


31.03.2021, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape by Gerald Eckert


29.04.2021, 07.30 p.m., Rendsburg, Nordkolleg
Gestade in Fernen - Poesie in Klängen
compositions from Natalia Solomonoff, Nicolaus A. Huber and Gerald Eckert

03.06.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Portrait concert Gerald Eckert
Aux mains de l'espace
compositions from Akemi Kobayashi, Luigi Nono and Gerald Eckert

16.06.2021, 00.12 - 02.00 Uhr, Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR 2)
broadcast of "außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc by Gerald Eckert


On 31. July 2021, from 10:05 - 10:50 pm, Deutschlandfunk will broadcast in „Atelier neuer Musik“, among other pieces from Ramón Gorigoitia, excerpts from Natalia Solomonoff's CD "Tarjo", which was released in January 2021. The CD was recorded by Ensemble Reflexion K in cooperation with Deutschlandfunk and is published by ambitus.

06.08.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Cultural summer Eckernfoerde
Living Room Music
compositions from John Cage, John White, Johannes Kreidler, Malin Bang, Georgy Dhorokov and Steffi Weismann

20.08.2021, 12.12 a.m. - 02.00 a.m., Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR 2)

broadcast of "Annäherung an Petrarca" for 4 voices, fl and vc by Gerald Eckert
Auditivvokal Dresden and Duo Reflexion K

09.09.2021, 07.30 p.m., Rendsburg, Nordkolleg 



Vertical Time – Statements in contemporary music from 1971 to 2021


"Like a smoke, ground, the soul breathed into the earth".

Like the composition “Charisma” (1971) by Iannis Xenakis, which is based on a verse from Homer's Illias, all of the works selected by Ensemble Reflexion K for its “Vertical Time” program were created from a wide variety of poetological approaches and, with their poetics and musical structure, are able to “create a meaning in the world”.

Hear statements from new music from the past 50 years by Iannis Xenakis, Elliott Carter, Gerald Eckert, Juan Campoverde Q. and Dieter Mack, who has been professor of composition at the Lübeck University of Music since 2003 and who retired in March of this year.



Dieter Mack (*1954, D) „Sprachtanz“ (2010) for clarinet solo 

Juan Campoverde Q. (*1964, EC/USA) „Estelas Australes“ (2021) for flute and violoncello   UA

Iannis Xenakis (1922-2001, GR/F) „Charisma“ (1971) for clarinet and violoncello

Gerald Eckert (*1960, D) „außen, von tief innen“ (2015) for bassfl, cb-clarinet and violoncello

Elliott Carter (1908-2012, USA) „esprit rude / esprit douce (1985) for flute and clarinet

Ensemble Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner (flute)

Joachim Striepen (clarinet)

Gerald Eckert (violoncello)

17.09.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artist Residence Schleswig-Holstein Ottestr. 1

„Wortklangraum 1“

New music and conversation

With the ceramic artist Susanne Kallenbach (Ranzel),

Beatrix Wagner (flute) and Gerald Eckert (violoncello)

19.09.2021, 05.00 p.m., Bielefeld, Zion church 

NEUSTART: concert II





Juan Campoverde Q. „Cantos II“ (2020) for flute and violoncello

Gerald Eckert “about water III“ (2018)  for electronics/ tape

Gerald Eckert “Klangräume II“ (1991/ 2000)  for piccolo and tape
Emiliano Turazzi „Composizione per flauto e violoncello“ - part F - (2017)
Bernfried Pröve „Tellur II“ (2007) for bassflute and tape
Juan Campoverde Q. „Estelas Australes“ (2021) for flute and violoncello    fp
Gerald Eckert “Nen VII“ (2007) for flute, violoncello and tape

Duo Reflexion K    

Beatrix Wagner (Flöte)

Gerald Eckert (Violoncello, Elektronik)

© Holger Ceglars

24.09.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde



works from Karlheinz Stockhausen and Gerald Eckert

26.09.202104.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artist Residence Schleswig-Holstein Ottestr. 1

„Wortklangraum 2“


New music and conversation

With the pastor Dirk Homrighausen (Eckernfoerde),

Beatrix Wagner (flute) and Gerald Eckert (violoncello)

02.10.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artist Residence Schleswig-Holstein Ottestr. 1

K-Sommer in the Rendsburg-Eckernfoerde district
„Wortklangraum 3“


New music and conversation


The composers Stefan Streich (Berlin) and Gerald Eckert (Eckernförde) are both masters in dealing with timbres. In this discussion concert, the musicians of Ensemble Reflexion K present the "5 stanzas bass flute" by Stefan Streich and "outside, from deep inside" by Gerald Eckert and talk to the two composers about their works.


Ensemble reflection K:

Beatrix Wagner (bass flute), Joachim Striepens (double bass clarinet) and Gerald Eckert (violoncello)







13.11.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church 

8. int. Provinzlärm Festival


1. concert (pre-concert)
works from Josquin Deprez, Idin Samimi-Mofakham, Manuel Sánchez García,

Gerald Eckert and Arvo Pärt


Auditivvokal Ensemble Dresden

and Duo Reflexion K

Auditivvokal Ensemble Dresden

20.11.2021, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde


Begegnung - Encuentro


The Ensemble Reflexion K plays works by Natalia Solomonoff (ARG), Ivan Ferrer-Orozco (MEX / E) and Gerald Eckert (D). All three composers were scholarship holders at the Schleswig-Holstein Künstlerhaus Eckernförde and have been working closely with the Ensemble Reflexion K ever since. All the pieces of this evening has been written for the musicians of the ensemble.


Ensemble Reflexion K:
Beatrix Wagner (fl), Joachim Striepens (clar), André Wittmann (perc), Arian Robinson (perc), Burkart Zeller (vc), Gerald Eckert (vc)
as guest: Ivan Ferrer-Orozco (electronics)

© Txuca Pereira

Concerts 2020


08. Jan. 2020, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "den angestoßenen Augen der Steine" for cb-clar, vln,
live-electronics and tape by Gerald Eckert


31.01.2020, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
moments of light
compositions from Roland Breitenfeld, Ludger Kisters, Peter Gahn und Gerald Eckert


09.04.2020, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., BR Klassik
a broadcast on Gerald Eckert's CD "absence", which was released a few days ago.
with the ensembles Reflexion K, Auditivvokal and L'art pour l'art.

"absence - traces éloignées" for 4 piccolos and 2 perc
(Ensemble Reflexion K and Ensemble L'art pour l'art)
"Annäherung an Petrarca" for 4 voices, fl and vc
(Ensemble Auditivvokal and Duo Reflexion K)
"außen, von tief innen" for bassfl, cb-clar and vc
(Ensemble Reflexion K)


24.06.2020, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of Annäherung an Petrarca" for 4 voices, fl and vc by Gerald Eckert
Auditivvokal and Duo Reflexion K


07.08.2020, 07:00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
von der Gewißheit des Augenblicks   (of the certainty of the moment)
pocket concert 1
special concert of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
compositions from Malin Bång, Luciano Berio, Violeta Dinescu, Gerald Eckert, Farzia Fallah, Ceferino García, Kaija Saariaho and Cristian Villafañe


07.08.2020, 08:30 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
von der Gewißheit des Augenblicks   (of the certainty of the moment)
pocket concert 2
special concert of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
compositions from Malin Bång, Luciano Berio, Violeta Dinescu, Gerald Eckert, Farzia Fallah, Ceferino García, Kaija Saariaho and Cristian Villafañe


08.08.2020, 07:00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
von der Gewißheit des Augenblicks   (of the certainty of the moment)
pocket concert 3
special concert of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
compositions from Malin Bång, Luciano Berio, Violeta Dinescu, Gerald Eckert, Farzia Fallah, Ceferino García, Kaija Saariaho and Cristian Villafañe


08.08.2020, 08:30 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
von der Gewißheit des Augenblicks   (of the certainty of the moment)
pocket concert 4
special concert of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
compositions from Malin Bång, Luciano Berio, Violeta Dinescu, Gerald Eckert, Farzia Fallah, Ceferino García, Kaija Saariaho and Cristian Villafañe


10.08.2020, 08.00 p.m., Hof Brache, Kulturfestival SH
Kulturfestival SH  (in the video from 1:22'40")
Kulturfestival SH: classical music at Wahlstorf
i.a. compositions from Malin Bång, Ceferino García and Gerald Eckert
Ensemble Reflexion K and other artists


25.09.2020, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
außen, von tief innen
compositions from Elnaz Seyedi, Gerald Eckert and Raphaël Languillat


16.10.2020, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
special concert of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Duo Konzert I - Microjornadas Córdoba in Eckernförde
compositions from M. Ajubita, J. Campoverde, C. Rodríguez Capullá, G. Eckert, S. Streich and Tsu-Yao Yang
Duo Reflexion K


30.10.2020, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
special concert of the concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Duo Konzert II - Meditation
compositions from Emiliano Turazzi and Gerald Eckert
Duo Reflexion K


07.11.2020, 07.00 p.m., Berlin, Kunstquartier Bethanien
Klangwerkstatt Berlin
compositions from L. Nono, H. Lachenmann, N. A. Huber, S. Streich, G. Eckert and Seung-Jin Hong

postboned to 11. November 2022:
11.11.2020, 07.00 p.m., Delmenhorst, Theater
hespos - neue musik in delmenhorst (51)
compositions from G. Eckert, H. J. Hespos, N. Solomonoff and R. Souto



Online video of the works of the festival "X. Micro-Jornadas de composicion y musica contemporanea 2020"

Vorschaubild - Youtube

Concerts 2019


06.01.2019, 11:30 a.m., Eckernfoerde, Museum
closing of the exhibition "Wilhelm Lehmann"
compositions from Blas Urruty and Gerald Eckert

18.01.2019, 10.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaichurch
Preview  of the re-opening of the restored St. Nicolai church
"Nachtbogen" by Gerald Eckert

(Beatrix Wagner performs with Gerald Eckert: violoncello)


06.02.2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "reading unicorn skulls - the town - engraved dreams" for small ensemble by Peter Gahn


15.02.-17.02.2019, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church,
7. "Provinzlärm" Festival
compositions from J. Cage, G. Eckert, G. F. Haas, N. A. Huber, M. Isaksson, C. Ives, B. Mather, C. Larson, D. Mack, O. Messiaen, K. Olofsson, G. Scelsi, R. Souto, L. Streich and G. Terzi
Ensemble Lipparella (S), Norddeutsche Sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K

For details see:


22.02.2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Bruchstücke... erstarrtes Lot" for ensemble by Gerald Eckert


25.05.2019, 08.00 p.m., Mühlenbeck, Foyer Mensa Berufsförderungswerk
festival neue musik & natur - Mühlenbecker Klanglandschaften
compositions from Kaija Saariaho, Luigi Nono, Helena Tulve, Gerald Eckert and Snezana Nesic
Ensemble Reflexion K


26.05.2019, 07.00 p.m., Mühlenbeck, Summter See, north shore
festival neue musik & natur - Mühlenbecker Klanglandschaften
Die unbeantwortete Frage
compositions from Charles Ives, Gerald Eckert, Natalja Pschenitschnikowa, Tristan Murail und Peter Ablinger
Jugendstreichorchester der Kreismusikschule Oranienburg, Ensemble Reflexion K, a.o.


27.05.2019, 09.05 - 10.50 p.m., Deutschlandfunk,
live recordings of the concerts of the 7. international Provinzlärm festival 2019
from 15.02. to 17.02.2019 at the Nicolai church Eckernfoerde
with compositions from Lisa Streich, Georg Friedrich Haas, Gerald Eckert, Chrichan Larson, a.o.
for informations to the works see: Provinzlärm festival 2019
Ensemble Lipparella, Norddeutsche Sinfonietta, Ensemble Reflexion K and guests

05.06.2019, 07.00 p.m., Kiel, Flandernbunker
Gestade in Fernen
compositions from Dieter Schnebel, Brigitta Muntendorf, Johannes Kalitzke, Gerald Eckert and Hildegard von Bingen
Irene Kurka and Ensemble Reflexion K


The Ensemble Reflexion K deals with human suffering in its various forms and forms in its program "Gestade in Fernen".
The musicians present works by Brigitta Muntendorf, Gerald Eckert, Johannes Kalitzke and Dieter Schnebel, which were created in the years from 1988 to 2016, in different rooms of the Kiel "Flandernbunker". They all deal with the topic of war, death and pain, but also with the human error that triggered it. The underlying text fragments come from such high-ranking authors as Heinrich Böll, Paul Celan, Raoul Schrott and from the Stabat Mater Dolorosa (13th century).
On the other hand, the ensemble presents various short antiphons of the abbess Hildegard von Bingen from the years 1150 to 1160, sung by the soprano Irene Kurka, who, with her life-affirming character and the "wonder of creation" as a strong contrast, but also as a similar connection to the works of the 20th and 21st centuries.


26.06.2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "mit geliehener Aussicht - Umgebung 1 + 2" for ensemble by Peter Gahn


10.07.2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra by Gerald Eckert
Ensemble Reflexion K and guests


23.08.2019, 08.00 p.m., Eckernförde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
empty rooms
compositions from Snezana Nesic, Helena Tulve, Gerald Eckert and Luigi Nono
Ensemble Megaphon and Ensemble Reflexion K


06.09.2019, 08.00 p.m., Tosterglope, Kunstraum
empty rooms
compositions from Snezana Nesic, Helena Tulve, Gerald Eckert and Luigi Nono
Ensemble Megaphon and Ensemble Reflexion K


08.09.2019, 11.00 a.m., Hannover, Sprengel Museum
Festival Musik 21 Niedersachsen
4. Übung im zugewandten Zweifeln
compositions from Snezana Nesic, Helena Tulve, Gerald Eckert and Luigi Nono
Ensemble Megaphon and Ensemble Reflexion K


24.09.2019, Madrid, Teatro Galileo
Neopercusion - Reflexion
compositions from Nacho Baca-Lobera (Mexiko), Gerald Eckert (D), Ivan Ferrer Orozco
(Mexiko/ Spain), Katharina Roth (D/ Austria) and Natalia Solomonoff (Argentina)
Ensemble Neopercusion and Ensemble Reflexion K


27.09.2019, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Neopercusion - Reflexion
compositions from Nacho Baca-Lobera (Mexiko), Gerald Eckert (D), Ivan Ferrer Orozco
(Mexiko/ Spain), Katharina Roth (D/ Austria) and Natalia Solomonoff (Argentina)
Ensemble Neopercusión and Ensemble Reflexion K

11.10.2019, 08.00 p.m., Salta/ Arg., Biblioteca Provincial
III. Jornadas de Audio y Acústica en Salta 2019
compositions from Pablo Araya, Kaija Saariaho, Cristian Villafañe, Emiliano Turazzi,
Natalia Solomonoff, Gerald Eckert and Blas Urruty
Duo Reflexion K



15.10.2019, 09.00 p.m., Córdoba/ Arg., University, Aula Magna de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas
IX. Micro-Jornadas de composicion y musica contemporanea 2019
compositions from Gerald Eckert, Cristian Villafañe, Emiliano Turazzi, Hans Zender, Kaija Saariaho and Natalia Solomonoff
Duo Reflexion K


16.10.2019, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups by Gerald Eckert


17.10.2019, 09.00 p.m., Córdoba/ Arg., Centro Cultural Córdoba
IX. Micro-Jornadas de composicion y musica contemporanea 2019
compositions from Pablo Araya, Giacinto Scelsi, Tristan Murail, Rubén Martínez Castillo, Ceferino García, Manuel Esteban, Gerald Eckert and Blas Urruty
Duo Reflexion K


09.11.2019, 20.00 Uhr, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
night of music
compositions from Emiliano Turazzi, Ramón Souto, Natalia Solomonoff, a.o.

Concerts 2018


10.01.2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "den angestoßenen Augen der Steine"
for cb-clar, vln, live-electronics and tape by Gerald Eckert

14.02.2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "ink, colours and gold on paper I + II - surroundings 2"
for small ensemble by Peter Gahn

17.02.2018, Tolstefanz
compositions from J. Sanchez-Verdú, B. Pröve, N. Solomonoff, G. Eckert, G. Scelsi and I. Xenakis

02.03.2018, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
compositions from Pablo Araya, Joanna Wozny, Steffen Krebber
Gerald Eckert and Elnaz Seyedi

21.03.2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
by Gerald Eckert

20.04.2018, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Wege - mit tänzerischer Spur"
compositions from Hans Joachim Hespos, Gordon Kampe, Gerald Eckert and Luigi Nono
Duo Reflexion K and Duo Gelland

06.05.2018, 03.05 - 03.55 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
on the edges
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
by Gerald Eckert

16.05.2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for orchestra
by Gerald Eckert
Ensemble Reflexion K and guests

10.06.2018, 03.05 - 03.55 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
broadcast of pieces by Nicolaus A. Huber
"Zum Beispiel: wogende Äste" for ensemble
"leggiero mit weissglut" for bassflute/piccolo, percussion and piano


13.06.2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Diagonalen in kubischen Räumen I - III" for ensemble
by Peter Gahn

17.08.2018, 7:30 pm, Eckernfoerde, Artists Residence, Ottestr. 1
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"stream - im Fluss" ("move around concert")
compositions from Helena Tulve, Adriana Hölsky, Gerald Eckert, Pablo Araya and Salvatore Sciarrino

05.10.2018, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups
by Gerald Eckert

17.11.2018, 8:00 pm, Eckernfoerde, Borby church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Monolith - sound sculptures"
compositions from C. Bauckholdt, M. Jann, S. Stier, J. Druckman, G. Eckert and L. Luján


27.12.2018, 00.05 - 01.00 a.m., DLF (Deutschlandfunk)
broadcast of "leggiero mit weissglut" for flute, percussion and piano
by Nicolaus A. Huber

Concerts 2017


24.02.-26.02.2017, Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
6. "Provinzlärm" Festival
compositions from Birtwistle, Boulez, Cabezòn, Donatoni, Feldman, Gervasoni, Gordon, Haas, Ishii, Kaul, Petrassi, Poppe, Sánchez-Verdú, Scelsi, Sciarrino and Xenakis

Ensemble TaG (CH), Ensemble Reflexion K (D) and the percussion ensemble of the Musikhochschule Luebeck (D)

For details see:

19.03.2017, 08.00 p.m., Winterthur, Theater am Gleis
"außen von tief innen"
compositions from Luigi Nono, Gerald Eckert, Marina Korkhova and Kaija Saariaho

24.03.2017, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Musica su due dimensioni"
compositions from Luigi Nono, Bruno Maderna, Gerald Eckert, Kaija Saariaho and Giacinto Scelsi

25.03.2017, 08.00 p.m., Luebeck, Essigfabrik
"Blaue Stille"
compositions from Luigi Nono, Bruno Maderna, Gerald Eckert, Kaija Saariaho and Giacinto Scelsi

29.03.2017, 08.00 p.m., Erlangen, Bürgerpalais Stutterheim
"Blaue Stille"
compositions from Luigi Nono, Bruno Maderna, Gerald Eckert, Kaija Saariaho, Peter Gahn and Giacinto Scelsi

05.04.2017, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups by Gerald Eckert

15.04.2017, 07.30 p.m., Santa Barbara, University of California Santa Barbara
compositions from J. Sánchez Verdú, G. Scelsi, B. Pröve, N. Solomonoff, G. Eckert and N. A. Huber
Duo reflexion K

04.05.2017, 07.00 p.m., Schweinfurt, Kunsthalle
Aux mains de l'espace
concert at the exhibition of Peter Casagrande: "das große Format"
compositions from Gerald Eckert
Duo reflexion K

10.05.2017, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "ink, colours and gold on paper I + II - surroundings 2"
for fl, acc, perc and vc by Peter Gahn

11.05.2017, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., Bayern Klassik - Horizonte
broadcast od the recording of the concert
at the Bürgerpalais Stutterheim Erlangen from 29.03.2017

12.05.2017, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
compositions from Iannis Xenakis, Gerald Eckert, Natalia Solomonoff and Emiliano Turazzi

14.07.2017, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"oceans and earth"
compositions from Pierre Boulez, George Crumb, Gerald Eckert, Morton Feldman, Vinko Globokar and Jonathan Shapiro

15.07.2017, 08.00 p.m., Luebeck, Essigfabrik
"oceans and earth"
compositions from Pierre Boulez, George Crumb, Gerald Eckert, Morton Feldman, Vinko Globokar and Jonathan Shapiro

August/ September 2017 Duo Reflexion K - Konzertreise Argentinien


12.08.2017, Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional, Auditorio "Jorge Luis Borges"
"Biblioteca Contemporánea"
Werke von G. Scelsi, N. A. Huber, J. Sánchez Verdú, G. Eckert, N. Solomonoff und H. Zender
Duo Reflexion K
18.08. - 19.08.2017, Rosario, Colegio La Salle
Workshops für KomponistInnen
20.08.2017, Rosario, Centro "Parque de Espana"
Duo Reflexion K

24.08.2017, Rosario, Colegio La Salle
Workshops für InstrumentalistInnen
25.08.2017, Rosario, Colegio La Salle
Workshops für KomponistInnen
26.08.2017, Rosario, Colegio La Salle
Konzert mit ausgewählten Werken aus dem Kompositions-Workshop
Duo Reflexion K
02.09.2017, Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional, Auditorio "Jorge Luis Borges"
"Biblioteca Contemporánea"
Portraitkonzert der Komponistin Natalia Solomonoff
int. Kammermusikensemble

29.08.2017, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., Bavarian broadcast (Bayern Klassik)
broadcast about Beatrix Wagner
with compositions by Luigi Nono and Gerald Eckert

30.08.2017, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for small orchestra by Gerald Eckert
ensemble Reflexion K

16.09.2017, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"11 echoes of autumn"
compositions from Pierre Boulez, George Crumb, Gerald Eckert und Gerard Grisey

28.09.2017, 08.00 p.m., Freiburg, Elisabeth-Schneider-Foundation
Profectio concert
compositions from R. Breitenfeld, G. Eckert, D. Mack and L. Nono
(Profectio Ensemble)

03.10.2017, Olmomouc/ Czech Republic
"MusicOlomouc - the international festival of contemporary music"
compositions from G. Katzer, G. Eckert, C. Bauckholt a.o.
Auditivvokal Dresden and Duo Reflexion K

10.11.2017, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"light and sound concert"
compositions from Morton Feldman, Isang Yun, Gerald Eckert and John Cage
ensemble L'art pour l'art, ensemble Reflexion K and guests
with the light artist Gisela Meyer-Hahn

25.11.2017, 08.00 p.m., Eckernförde, Nicolaikirche
"night of the music" - concert for instruments, video and electronics
compositions from Snezana Nesic, Clemens von Reusner, Andre Bartetzki, i.a.

29.11.2017, 07.30 p.m., Dresden, university library
i.a. "Annäherung an Petrarca" by Gerald Eckert
Auditivvokal and Duo Reflexion K

01.12.2017, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "atonoba I + II" for small ensemble by Peter Gahn

05.12.2017, 00.05 - 01.00 a.m., Deutschlandfunk - Neue Musik -
broadcast of "Werden Fische je das Wasser leid" by Nicolaus A. Huber

Concerts 2016


06.02.2016, 10.05 - 10.50 p.m., Deutschlandfunk Atelier neuer Musik,
broadcasts compositions of the CD "Zum Beispiel: Wogende Äste" from Nicolaus A. Huber, which have been recorded in cooperation with the Deutschlandfunk


19.02.2016, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
15 years  -  concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Werke - Wirkung - Relevanz I
(works - effect - relevance I)
CD-Release concert
compositions from Nicolaus A. Huber, Gerald Eckert, Peter Gahn and Robert HP Platz
ensemble reflexion K and guests


22. and 23.04.2016, Breklum, Christian-Jensen-Kolleg
4. days of the "Utopie"
two new pieces from Gerald Eckert  (fp)

14.05.2016, 10.05 - 10.50 p.m., Deutschlandfunk Atelier neuer Musik,
broadcasts compositions of the CD "on the edges" from Gerald Eckert which have been recorded in cooperation with the Deutschlandfunk

23.06.2016, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bayern-Klassik)
broadcast of "Sopra di noi... (niente)" for small orchestra by Gerald Eckert
ensemble reflexion K and guests

15.07.2016, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
15 years  -  concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Werke - Wirkung - Relevanz II
(works - effect - relevance II)
I will arise and go now
compositions from Walter Zimmermann, Gerald Eckert and poems by William Butler Yeats
ensemble reflexion K and Andrea Paluch

20.07.2016, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "Atonoba I + II" for perc., fl, vc and pf by Peter Gahn

20.07.2016, 00.12 - 02.00 a.m., Bavarian broadcast (BR 2)
broadcast of "An den Rändern des Maßes" for two ensemble groups by Gerald Eckert

14.08.2016, 3.00 p.m., Luebeck, Overbeck society
Regionale III
"Nen VII" by Gerald Eckert
duo reflexion K

25.08.2016, 8.00 p.m., Kiel, gallery at the former Schlecker
Regionale III
"Nen VII" by Gerald Eckert
duo reflexion K

02.09.2016, Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
"Annäherung an Petrarca" and "fuori" by Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin and duo reflexion K

04.09.2016, Heide
"Annäherung an Petrarca" and "Nen VII" by Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin and duo reflexion K

20.09.2016, 7.00 p.m., Berlin, Flutgraben
Regionale III
"Nen VII" by Gerald Eckert
duo reflexion K

30.09.2016, 7.00 p.m., Luebeck, Kunst am Kai, Schuppen C
Konzertreihe Klangrauschen
"Neue Heimat"
compositions from G. F. Haas, G. Eckert, G. Grisey, L. Opfermann and E. Turazzi
ensemble reflexion K and RADAR ensemble

01.10.2016, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
15 years  -  concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Werke - Wirkung - Relevanz IV
(works - effect - relevance IV)
compositions from G. F. Haas, G. Eckert, G. Grisey, L. Opfermann and E. Turazzi
ensemble reflexion K and RADAR ensemble

07.10.2016, 00.05 a.m., MDR Kultur
broadcast of "Meinten Sie: RED" for ensemble by Peter Gahn

12.10.2016, 00.05 a.m., BR 2
broadcast of "ink, colours and gold on paper II+III - surroundings 2"
for small ensemble by Peter Gahn

19.10.2016, 8.00 p.m., Montevideo/ Uruguay, Teatro Solís
Sala Zavala Muniz
50 years Núcleo Música Nueva de Montevideo
compositions from J. Sánchez Verdú, H. Zender, B. Pröve, G. Scelsi, N. Solomonoff, G. Eckert and N. A. Huber
Duo Reflexion K

26.10.2016, 8.30 p.m., Santa Fe/ Argentina, hall of the University Santa Fe
compositions from J. Sánchez Verdú, H. Zender, B. Pröve, G. Scelsi, N. Solomonoff, G. Eckert and N. A. Huber
Duo Reflexion K

28.10.2016, 8.30 p.m., Rosario/ Argentina, Espacio Cultural La Peruta
compositions from J. Sánchez Verdú, H. Zender, G. Scelsi, N. Solomonoff, G. Eckert and N. A. Huber
Duo Reflexion K

05.11.2016, 7.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
"night of the arts"
"Light & sound concert"
light installations by Gisela Meyer-Hahn and music by Gerald Eckert

19.11.2016, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
15 years  -  concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Werke - Wirkung - Relevanz V
(works - effect - relevance V)
compositions from J. Sánchez Verdú, C. Chen, F. Fallah, T. Klich, u.a.

Concerts 2015


20.02.-22.02.2015, Eckernförde, NicolaiKirche,
5. "Provinzlärm" Festival
compositions from Berio, Breitenfeld, Dufay, Eckert, Gahn, Katzer, N. A. Huber, Nono, Platz, Romitelli, Schleiermacher, Solomonoff, Stahnke and Xenakis

Auditivvokal Ensemble Dresden, ensemble reflexion K and guests

For details see:

09.04.2015, Deutschlandfunk (DLF), Cologne,
CD-recording (portrait-CD of the "Deutschen Musikrat"):
"a priori" from Marina Khorkova

24.04.2015, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Abweichende Weltwahrnehmung I"
("deviant perception of the world I")
compositions from Nicolaus A. Huber, Peter Gahn, Gerald Eckert and Luc Döbereiner

31.05.2015, 5 p.m., Flensburg, St. Nikolai church
compositions from James Tenney, Maria Boulgakova  (UA), Gerald Eckert,
Manfred Stahnke, baroque pieces and improvisations on both of the organs
ensemble reflexion K, Michael Mages and Katja Kanowksi - organ

12.07.2015, 5.00 p.m., Bordesholm, cloister church
350 years CAU - final season concerto of the church choir and orchestra
of the University Kiel
compositions from Augustin Pfleger and Gerald Eckert  (fp)
choir and orchestra of the University Kiel

ensemble reflexion K (and guests)

Beatrix Wagner - Flöte

Jonathan Shapiro - Schlagzeug

André Wittmann - Schlagzeug

Burkart Zeller - Violoncello

Anne Gayed - Violoncello

Nora Krahl - Violoncello

13.07.2015, 8.00 p.m., Kiel, Nikolai church
350 years CAU - final season concerto of the church choir and orchestra
of the University Kiel
compositions from Augustin Pfleger and Gerald Eckert  (fp)
choir and orchestra of the University Kiel, ensemble reflexion K


24.07.2015, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Abweichende Weltwahrnehmung II"
("deviant perception of the world II")
compositions from Maria Boulgakova, Gerald Eckert, Marina Khorkova, Makiko Nishikaze, Manfred Stahnke and Johann Sebastian Bach
ensemble reflexion K


18.09.2015, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Abweichende Weltwahrnehmung III"
("deviant perception of the world III")
compositions from Luigi Nono, Peter Gahn and Gerald Eckert (fp)


20.09.2015, 6 p.m., Luebeck, St. Petrikirche
compositions from Luigi Nono, Peter Gahn and Gerald Eckert (fp)


20.09.2015, 09.05 - 11.00 p.m., Deutschlandfunk,
live recording of the opening concert and the "soloists"-concert of the Provinzlärm
festival 2015 from 20.02. and 21.02.2015 at the Nicolai church Eckernfoerde
with compositions from L. Berio, G. Eckert, G. Katzer, R. HP Platz, F. Romitelli, S. Schleiermacher, N. Solomonoff and I. Xenakis
for informations to the works see: Provinzlärm festival 2015
ensemble reflexion K and guests


28.09.2015, 09.05 - 11.00 p.m., Deutschlandfunk,
live recording of the 4. concert of the Provinzlärm festival 2015
from 21.02.2015 at the Nicolai church Eckernfoerde
with compositions from G. Dufay and L. Nono
for informations to the works see: Provinzlärm Festival 2015
Auditivvokal Dresden, Beatrix Wagner (bassflute) and Roland Breitenfeld (live-electronics)


14.11.2015, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolai church
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Abweichende Weltwahrnehmung IV"
("deviant perception of the world IV")
"night of the music"
compositions from Helmut Zapf, Clemens von Reusner, Gerald Eckert, George Brunner and Andre Bartetzki

Concerts 2014


14.02.2013, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Homage to the obsession I"
compositions from Globokar, Eckert and Boulgakova


06.04.2014, 6 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Homage to the obession II"
compositions from Veltman, Sciarrino, Scelsi and Sarwas


18.07.2014, 08.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Homage to the obession III"
compositions from Luigi Nono, Gerald Eckert (UA), Stefan Streich and Helmut Lachenmann
Julia Mihaly - voice, ensemble reflexion K

25.08.2014, Heide, St. Jürgen Kirche
compositions from Guillaume de Machaut and Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin, ensemble reflexion K

26.08.2014, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Homage to the obession IV"
compositions from Guillaume de Machaut and Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin, ensemble reflexion K

27.08.2014, 7 p.m., Kiel, St. Ansgarkirche
compositions from Guillaume de Machaut and Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin, ensemble reflexion K

28.08.2014, Rerik, church

29.08.2014, Plate (Luechow/ Wendland), church

30.08.2014, Greifswald, cathedral

28.09.2014, Bonn, Theatre - ballroom
compositions from Eckert, Sarwas, Scelsi,
Sciarrino and Veltman

04.10.2014, Luebeck
compositions from Eckert, Sarwas, Scelsi, Sciarrino and Veltman

22.11.2014, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Homage to the obession V"
compositions from Gerald Eckert, Peter Gahn and Nicolaus A. Huber

Concerts 2013


08.02.2013, 8 p.m., Hamburg - Ottensen, Christianskirche,
"Forum Neue Musik"
"Nachtbogen" - Gerald Eckert Solorecital

compositions for violoncello (and flute and organ) from John Cage, Gerald Eckert, Nicolaus A. Huber, Maki Ishii and Giacinto Scelsi
Beatrix Wagner - Flöte, Katja Kanowski - Orgel, Gerald Eckert - Violoncello


23.02.2013, 6.00 p.m., Ahrenshoop, new art gallery,
compositions from Gerald Eckert

24.02.2013, 6.00 p.m., Ahrenshoop, artists residence,
compositions from Gerald Eckert

28.02.-02.03.2013, Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
4. "Provinzlärm" Festival
compositions from Bernardy, Blecharz, Campkin, Chang, Eckert, Hyvärinen, Keuris, Leopolita, Opalka, Messiaen, Pekiel, Przybylski, Sarwas, Sehin, Szmytka, Wojciechowski, Wozny, Xenakis, Yaskou and Ziemowit Zych

Ensemble Kwartludium (PL), Vokalensemble "Il Canto" (PL),
Dariusz Przybylski (PL), Kantorei an St. Nicolai Eckernförde (D),
Katja Kanowski (D), Knut Kammholz (D), Mikael Honnesseau (F/D),
percussion ensemble of the Musikhochschule Luebeck (D),
ensemble voces berlin (D) and ensemble reflexion K (D)

For details see:


24.05.2013, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Nachhören I / "Fäden"
compositions from Voronov, Siniakova, Horst, Gorelova, Eckert, Budon
Quartett reflexion K

26.07.2013, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Nachhören II / "no sun, no moon"
compositions from Messiaen, García del Valle Méndez (fp), Pärt, Gubaidulina, Eckert and Khorkova (fp)

15.08.2013, 00.05 - 01.00 a.m., DeutschlandRadio Berlin,
ensemble reflexion K performs "ausschreitend" (2009/ 10) for ensemble
by Clemens Nachtmann
recording of the concert on 30. 03. 2012 at the church St. Nicolai/ Eckernfoerde

17.08.2013, 3 p.m., Eckernfoerde, municipal energy supplier
"100 years power house"
compositions from Gerald Eckert

24.08.2013, 7 p.m., Flensborg, Nikolaikirche
"annum per annum"
compositions from Messiaen, García del Valle Méndez, Pärt, Eckert and Gubaidulina

01.09.2013, 5 p.m., Eckernfoerde, municipal energy supplier
"100 years power house"
compositions from Gerald Eckert

15.09.2013, 9.05 - 11.00 p.m., Deutschlandfunk,
broadcast of the cantata "mehr als der Sand... - Wege" (2011/ 12)
by Gerald Eckert
Choir St. Nicolai, ensemble voces berlin and ensemble reflexion K
recording of the performance of the cantata at the Provinzlärm Festival 2013 on 01.03.2013 at the church St. Nicolai/ Eckernfoerde

20.10.2013, 10.25 - 12.00 a.m., Käthe-Kollwitz-School Kiel,
"Erinnerung für das Vergessen"
the ensemble reflexion K at the Käthe-Kollwitz-School

07.11.2013, 18 Uhr, Kiel, St. Ansgarkirche
"Erinnerung för das Vergessen"
Werke von P. Haas, E. Schulhoff, S. Sciarrino, S. Odeh-Tamimi
G. Eckert and W. Zimmermann

08.11.2013, 20 Uhr, Eckernförde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
Nachhören IV / "Erinnerung för das Vergessen"
compositions from P. Haas, E. Schulhoff, S. Sciarrino, S. Odeh-Tamimi
G. Eckert and W. Zimmermann

09.11.2013, 9 p.m., Eckernfoerde, library
"night of the arts"
talks about the new book "an den Rändern des Maßes - der Komponist Gerald Eckert"
and the performance of his compositions "Nachtbogen" and "Nen IV"
Duo reflexion K

23.11.2013, Eckernfoerde
"night of the music"
the ensemble reflexion K with compositions from Gerald Eckert, Beat Furrer and Karlheinz Stockhausen for flute(s) and contrabass

Concerts 2012


27.01.2012, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
spaces I / "empty rooms"
compositions by Marc Andre, Gerald Eckert and Natalia Solomonoff  fp

05.02.2012, 10.00 a.m., Eckernförde, Nicolaikirche
"mehr als der Sand...  - Wege"    premiere
Cantata for Soloists, choir and ensemble by Gerald Eckert
St. Nicolai Choir Eckernförde, ensemble voces Berlin,
ensemble reflexion K and guests

16.02.2012, 00.05 - 01.00 a.m., DeutschlandRadio Berlin,
ensemble reflexion K performs compositions from Nicolaus A. Huber, Clemens Gadenstätter and Gerald Eckert
recording of the concert from October 30th 2011
at the Minoritensaal, Graz/ Austria

30.03.2012, 8.00 p.m., Eckernförde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
spaces II / "ausschreiten"
compositions by Larisa Vhrunc, Clemens Nachtmann  fp and Gerald Eckert

21.06.2012, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
spaces III / "Espace spirituel"
compositions by Cage, Messiaen, Scelsi, etc.

22.07.2012, 7.00 p.m., Luebeck, Overbeckgesellschaft
Regionale I
compositions by Gerald Eckert und Ludger Kisters
Beatrix Wagner and ensemble reflexion K

02.09.2012, 2.00 p.m., Luebeck, Overbeckgesellschaft
Regionale I
compositions by Cort Lippe und Gerald Eckert
Beatrix Wagner and ensemble reflexion K

14.09.2012, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, Nicolaikirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
spaces IV / "Living Room"
compositions by Cage, Kagel, Kisters  fp, Krebber and Lindberg

09.11.2012, 7.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"... so lose im Raume..."
compositions by Rosenberger, Pumala, Fujikura and Eckert

15.11.2012, "Bernaola-Festival" - Vitoria-Gasteiz/ Spain
compositions by Rosenberger, Pumala, Lippe,
García del Valle Méndez, Fujikura and Eckert

Concerts 2011


24.02.-26.02.2011, Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
3. "Provinzlärm" Festival
compositions by Maria Boulgakova, James Clarke, Gerald Eckert, Perttu Haapanen, Nicolaus A. Huber, Asko Hyvärinen, Jukka Koskinen,
György Kurtág, Magnus Lindberg, P. H. Nordgren, Jesper Nordin, Oxana Omelchuk, Veli Matti Puumala, Kaija Saariaho, Wofram Schurig, Johan Tallgren, Riikka Talvitie, Jukka Tiensuu, Anton von Webern, Lotta Wennäkoski and Josquin Desprez

Zagros Ensemble (FIN), Zagros-stringquartett (FIN),
Ensemble Auditivvokal Dresden (D) and the ensemble reflexion K (D)

For details see:

11.08.2011, Flensburg, St. Nicolai Kirche
"Gegendämmerung 2"
"Missa de Nostre Dame" by Guillaume de Machaut
and compositions by Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin and duo reflexion K

12.08.2011, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche
concert series cotemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Gegendämmerung 2"
"Missa Lauda Sion" by Giovanni da Palestrina
and compositions from Gerald Eckert and Bruno Maderna
ensemble voces berlin and duo reflexion K

25.08.2011, Essen, Kirche St. Mariä Empfängnis Essen-Holsterhausen
"Missa de Nostre Dame" by Guillaume de Machaut
and compositions by Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin and duo reflexion K

26.08.2011, Bremen, St. Stephanikirche

27.08.2011, 6.30 p.m., Schleswig, Cathedral

28.08.2011, 6 p.m., Hamburg, Marktkirche Poppenbüttel

09.09.2011, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche
concert series cotemporary music Eckernfoerde
"10 years ensemble reflexion K"
compositions by Chaya Czernowin, Gerald Eckert, Asko Hyvärinen, Ludger Kisters and Johan Tallgren

11.09.2011, 8.00 p.m., Luebeck, Kolosseum
"Neue Musik im Ostseeraum"
compositions by Chaya Czernowin, Gerald Eckert, Asko Hyvärinen, Ludger Kisters and Johan Tallgren

11.10.2011, Kiel, 8.00 p.m., Flandernbunker
"Missa de Nostre Dame" by Guillaume de Machaut
and compositions by Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin and duo reflexion K

13.10.2011, Erding, St. Johanneskirche

14.10.2011, Ulm, cathedral

16.10.2011, Berlin, Pauluskirche Zehlendorf
"Missa Lauda Sion" by Giovanni da Palestrina
and compositions by Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin and duo reflexion K

30.10.2011, Graz, Minoritenkirche
compositions by Rainer Riehn, Nicolaus A. Huber, Clemens Gadenstätter and Gerald Eckert

04.11.2011, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"timbrical moments"
compositions for flute, harp, accordion and violoncello

(06.11.2011), Eckernförde, NicolaiKirche
deferred to 05.02.2012 !!
Gerald Eckert - UA "new work" (cantata) for choir, soloists and instruments

11.11.2011, Tosterglope, Kunstraum
compositions for flute, harp, accordion and violoncello by Osvaldo Budon,
Gerald Eckert, Claudio Ferrari, Jorge García del Valle Méndez, Santa Ratniece and Natalia Solomonoff

08.12.2011, Kiel, Gelehrtenschule
compositions by Hans Zender and Gerald Eckert

Concerts 2010


07.01.2010, 00.05 - 01.00 a.m., DeutschlandRadio Berlin,
ensemble reflexion K plays compositions by Gerald Eckert
e.g. "Studie über Nelly Sachs", "Nen VII", "vom Innen - Körnung"

28.01.2010, Humboldtschule Kiel,
project "Tuchfühlung", a workshop in addition to the "Chiffren"-festival

29.01.2010, Ricarda-Huch-Schule Kiel,
project "Tuchfühlung", a workshop in addition to the "Chiffren"-festival

04.02.2010, 4 - 6 p.m., Halle 400, Kiel,
workshop "Vibrations" in addition to the "Chiffren"-Festival

04.02.2010, 8.00 p.m., Halle 400, Kiel,
"Chiffren"-Festival, opening concert
compositions by M. Andre, M. Feldman, S. Gervasoni, G. Grisey, I. Mundry, S. Sciarrino and M. Spahlinger

26.02.2010, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Lust.Melancholy / colours I"
compositions by M. Bongartz, S. Newski, N. Rønsholdt, E. Mirzoev and G. Eckert

29.05.2010, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"new gates / colours II"
compositions by K. Saariaho, D. Eberhard, J. Schöllhorn, N.A. Huber and W. Zimmermann

19.06.2010, Leipzig
compositions by Ferrari, Solomonoff, Eckert, Müller, Kram and Valle Méndez
quartett reflexion K

20.06.2010, Dresden
compositions by Ferrari, Solomonoff, Eckert, Müller, Kram and Valle Méndez
quartett reflexion K

05.08.2010, Luebeck, St. Petri-Kirche
"Missa de Nostre Dame" by Guillaume de Machaut
and compositions by Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin and duo reflexion K

06.08.2010, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Gegendämmerung / colours III"
"Missa de Nostre Dame" by Guillaume de Machaut
and compositions by Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin and duo reflexion K

08.08.2010, Bad Oldesloe, Peter-Paul-Kirche

09.08.2010, Bordesholm, Klosterkirche

11.08.2010, Moelln, Nikolaikirche

12.08.2010, Rerik, St. Johannes-Kirche

13.08.2010, Gartow, chapel at Vietze

14.08.2010, Berlin, Pauluskirche Zehlendorf

16.08.2010, Magdeburg, Georg Ph. Telemann conservatory
compositions by Gerald Eckert

18.08.2010, Hamburg, Christianskirche Ottensen
"Missa de Nostre Dame" by Guillaume de Machaut
and compositions by Gerald Eckert
ensemble voces berlin and duo reflexion K

27.08.2010, Schreyahn, Artists Residence
compositions by Gerald Eckert

28.08.2010, Kiel, Hoern
concert of "Chiffren" / netzwork contemporary music
compositions by Gerald Eckert and Iris Szeghy

10.09.2010, Winsen/ Luhe, Altes Forsthaus Habichtshorst
compositions by I. Yun, C. Wolff, G. Eckert, M. Kaul and K. Lang
projekt with ensemble reflexion K, ensemble L'art pour L'art and guests

12.09.2010, 6.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"Samen.Sprungfedern / colours IV"
compositions by I. Yun, C. Wolff, G. Eckert, M. Kaul and K. Lang
projekt with ensemble reflexion K, ensemble L'art pour L'art and guests

12.11.2010, 7.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche
concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde
"fin des terres / colours V"
compositions by G. Eckert, N.A. Huber, G. Grisey and S. Gervasoni
duo eardrum and ensemble reflexion K

03.12.2010, Berlin, Academy of the Fine Arts
Villa Aurora - "Transatlantic Impulses 2005 - 2010"
"Fäden" by Gerald Eckert

Concerts 2009


01.02.2009, 19.30 Uhr, Dresden, Kulturrathaus
compositions by Ahn, Eckert, Hosokawa, Jørgensen,
J. Saunders and del Valle Mendez

26.02.-28.02.2009, Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
2. "Provinzlärm" Festival
"contrasts I"
compositions by Santa Ratniece, Chaya Chernowin, Rebecca Saunders, Andris Dzenitis, Nick Gotham, Gundega Smite,
Roman Pfeifer, Valts Puce, Holger Klaus, Akemi Kobayashi, Peteris Vasks, Martins Vilums, Helena Tulve, Giacinto Scelsi, Gerard Grisey, Gerald Eckert and Josquin Desprez

Ensemble altera veritas (LV), SENSUS-stringquartett (LV),
Schola Cantorum Riga (LV) and the ensemble reflexion K (D)

For details see:

20.03.2009, 8.00 p.m., Schreyahn, artists studio
"auf tönernen Füssen"
compositions by Eckert, Furrer, Kampe, Sarwas and Scelsi

26.06.2009, 8.00 p.m., Dannenberg, Ohm'sches House,
"Grenzgänge"  -  contemprorary music and literature
(Gerhart Hauptmann "Bahnwärter Thiel")
recitation: Bernd Berndsen
Beatrix Wagner - flute, Gerald Eckert - violoncello

03.07.2009, 8.00 p.m., Essen, Erloeserkirche,
compositions from Eckert, Huber, Kampe, Schöllhorn
Beatrix Wagner - flute, Eva Ignatjeva - harp, Nikolaus Schlierf - viola

06.07.2009, 8.00 p.m., Luechow, St. Johanniskirche,
concert to the finnisage of the exhibition "Grenzinschriften"
compositions from Gerald Eckert
Katja Kanowski - organ and voice, Beatrix Wagner - flute, Gerald Eckert - violoncello and electronics

31.07.2009, 9.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
"concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde"
"New Argentina/ Kontraste III"
new compositions from N. Solomonoff, O. Budon, D. Rud, J. Horst, C. Ferrari and J. Luquese

03.09.2009, 7.00 p.m., Rerik, Johanniskirche,
compositions from John Cage and Gerald Eckert
Beatrix Wagner - flute, Kirstin Maria Pientka - viola, Gerald Eckert - violoncello and electronics

04.09.2009 - 21.09.2009,
concert tour of the ensemble reflexion K through Argentina and Uruguay
05.09.2009, Ushuaia
11.09.2009, Santa Fe
14.09.2009, Rosario
16.09.2009, Montevideo/ Uruguay
20.09.2009, Buenos Aires

25.09.2009, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
"... by doing/ Kontraste IV"
compositions from Spahlinger, Huber, Gahn, Eckert and Cage
Scholars of the Jungmann-Gymnasium Eckernfoerde
and the ensemble reflexion K

17.10.2009, Madrid/ Spain, Festival "Tres Cantos"
compositions from J. Garcia del Valle Mendez G. Eckert, N. Solomonoff, J. Durán-Loriga, S. Mariné and V. Rebullida
ensemble reflexion K

29.10.2009, 00.05 - 01.00 a.m., DeutschlandRadio Berlin,
ensemble reflexion K plays compositions by Gerald Eckert
e.g. "Studie über Nelly Sachs", "Nen VII", "vom Innen - Körnung"

20.11.2009, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
"stream/ Kontraste V"
compositions from I. Soveral, L. Nono, S. Sciarrino, H. Tulve, etc.
Beatrix Wagner - flute, Joachim Striepens - clarinet, Lenka Zupkova - violin, Gerald Eckert - violoncello and as guest: André Bartetzki - electronics

02.12.2009, 19.30 Uhr, Seoul/ South Korea, "SICMF"-Festival 2009,
"Nen VII" by Gerald Eckert
Beatrix Wagner - flute, Gerald Eckert - violoncello, André Bartetzki - electronics

Concerts 2008


09.02.2008, 6.00 p.m., Kiel, "Chiffren"-festival,
"Zwischen den Tönen"
compositions from Gerald Eckert, Nicolaus A. Huber, Gordon Kampe, Sergej Newski, Niels Rønsholdt and James Saunders  

24.02.2008, 6.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
"concert series contemporary music Eckernfoerde"
"wie Wolken/ Über Zeit I"
compositions by Eckert, Feldman, Saunders and Satie

29.02.2008, 8.00 p.m., Moenchengladbach, BIS-Zentrum
"Der Himmel des Baal"
compositions by Bongartz, Eckert, Haubenstock-Ramati, Neuwirth and Zender

14.03.2008, 7.00 p.m., Kiel, Kunsthalle,
vernissage of the exhibition "Hans Hartung - Spontanes Kalkül"
compositions by Cornelius Cardew, Anestis Logothetis and Robert Moran

16.03.2008, 3.00 p.m., Ribe (Danmark), det gamle rådhus,
"concert d'aujourd'hui"
compositions by Saunders, Piazolla, Lang, Kawakami, Jørgensen and Eckert

17.05.2008, 10.05 - 11.00 p.m., Deutschlandfunk,
broadcast concert 09.02.2008 at the "Chiffren"-festival Kiel
compositions by Gerald Eckert, Gordon Kampe, Sergej Newski, Niels Rønsholdt und James Saunders

24.05.2008, 8.00 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
"Twilight/ Über Zeit II"
compositions by Clarke, Scelsi, Xenakis, etc.

06.07.2008, 11.05 - 12.00 p.m., WDR 3,
"dräuende Wolken"
also "Schächte - les nuages d'automne" by Gerald Eckert
recording of the "westfälisches Musikfest" 24.05.2003 Detmold

09.08.2008, 9 p.m., Eckernförde, NicolaiKirche,
"Aus den Alpen/ Über Zeit III"
compositions by Gerald Eckert, Georg F. Haas, Leopold Hurt, Bernhard Lang, Christian Wolff, Walter Zimmermann and alpine folkmusic

26.09.2008, 8 p.m., Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
"Visuals/ Über Zeit IV"
compositions by John Cage, Gerald Eckert and Elmir Mirzoev

04.10.2008, 8 p.m., Bielefeld "Diagonale", Oetker Halle,
compositions by John Cage and Gerald Eckert

29.11.2008, 20.00 Uhr, Eckernförde, NicolaiKirche,
"Messiaen for his 100. birthday/ Über Zeit V"
compositions by Olivier Messiaen, etc.

Concerts 2007


22.01.2007, Venice, "Centro Tedesco di Studi Veneziani",
compositions from Luigi Nono, Nicolaus A. Huber, Helmut Lachenmann and Gerald Eckert

15.02.2007, permanent representation
of Schleswig-Holstein, Berlin,
"... weiter, nordwärts, etwas unstet"
compositions from Gerald Eckert, Klaus Ib Jørgensen and Dieter Mack

23.02./ 24.02.2007, Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
festival "Provinzlärm"
compositions by Eckert, Eiríksdóttir, Erlendson, Huber, Lachenmann, Nilsson, Nono, Räisänen, Rohloff, Seither and Tómasson
ensemble reflexion K and The Slide Show Project
For details see:

06.07.2007, Lübeck, Music Academy
compositions by Dieter Mack, Gerald Eckert, Klaus Ib Jørgensen, etc.

10.07.2007, Berlin, Japanese-German Center,
compositions by Gerald Eckert, Peter Gahn, Jo Kondo, etc.

19.07.2007, Duesseldorf, Budda Bay Club,
compositions by Gerald Eckert, Peter Gahn, Toshio Hosokawa, Erik Janson and Markus Bongartz

20.07.2007, Cologne, japanese Culture Center,
compositions by Gerald Eckert, Peter Gahn, Toshio Hosokawa, Erik Janson and Noriko Kawakami

22.08.2007, Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
compositions by Gerald Eckert, Peter Gahn, Toshio Hosokawa, Noriko Kawakami, etc.

30.09.2007, Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
"Über Virtuosität"
compositions by Dieter Mack, Gerald Eckert, Clemens Gadenstätter, Johannes Schöllhorn and Bernd A. Zimmermann

20.11.2007, Berlin, BKA,
"weiter, nordwärts, etwas unstet"
compositions by Jin-Ah Ahn, Klaus Ib Jørgensen, Bernhard Lang, Gerald Eckert and Dieter Mack

21.11.2007, Brandenburg, Theatre,
"weiter, nordwärts, etwas unstet"
compositions by Jin-Ah Ahn, Klaus Ib Jørgensen, Bernhard Lang, Gerald Eckert and Dieter Mack

01.12.2007, Eckernfoerde, NicolaiKirche,
compositions by Jamilia Jazylbekova, Noriko Kawakami, etc.

03.12.2007, Oldenburg, Museum
compositions by Jamilia Jazylbekova, Noriko Kawakami, James Saunders, etc.

Ensemble Reflexion K 0