Emiliano Turazzi: Composizione per flauto e violoncello (2017) – Klangwerkstatt Berlin 2023
Gerald Eckert: Nachtbogen (2001) – Klangwerkstatt Berlin 2023
Gerald Eckert in conversation with Leonie Reineke – Klangwerkstatt Berlin 2023
Stefan Streich in conversation with Leonie Reineke – Klangwerkstatt Berlin 2023
18.11.2023, 08:30 p.m.
Stefan Streich in conversation with Leonie Reineke
26.02.2021, 7 p.m.
Online-concert at the festival "Klangwerkstatt Berlin" from November 2020
Online video of the works of the festival "X. Micro-Jornadas de composicion y musica contemporanea 2020"